Impatience stains my over-beetled brow As prattlers prattle in smug servile tones Oh give me gun to shoot my temple now Than me to suffer this in silenced groans!
On a Late Friday Zoom Call
Through the aether we
Huddle late into evening
Minds pooled into one.
On Being Indoors While the Sun is Out
The Sun is out, but
I am here, hunched over these
Trivial little things.
Tentang Pembaziran Masa
Habis madu sepah dibuang
Kerna kumbang bunga terkeji
Habis masa bazir melayang
Demi wayang masyuk sendiri.
On Pageantry
A hundred people
Locked up in this hall all day
Empty pageantry.
On Having Fun at Work
“A fun place to work?
Just treat us with dignity!”
Loud applause erupts.
Tentang Sumbu Diri dan Kehidupan Bekerja
Hari hari menatang kerja
Tanpa lelah siap tugasan
Sumbu diri berkobar nyala
Sakit sengal masing rahsiakan.
On Sungkai
Early morning
And I am on the road again
Not quite sure
For whom
And for what
Life is full of such
Moments of incomprehension
We often do what we must
Even if we are not quite sure
For whom
And for what
And when and how and why.
Tentang Tokoh-Tokoh Berjiwa Tikus
Watak kerdil bercakap besar
Otak pejal berlagak pintar
Kerja malas beralas gambus
Begitulah sang tokoh tikus!
On Staying Calm
Calm down. Relax. No one is looking. Everyone else is busy Fretting over their own lives, Their own dreams and conceits and vanities To notice what you just said, Or the existential angst That burns like midnight fire Through each line Of that LinkedIn post that you just wrote.