You shirk the task with nonchalant reply
This menial duty far beneath your grace
And so I take it on myself to try
The task dispatched away with heedful haste
No pointing blame, but this I shall remark
My sword, unsheathed, awaits the next lit spark.
#466 On Playing the Part
“I am just way too old for this,” he thought
Reflecting sourly on the duties thrust
Upon his head, (their value close to naught),
And yet he knows to undertake he must
With every crown comes need for player’s art
To bear with empty pomp and play the part.
#441 On Lemminghood
Like lemmings we march
Off the cliff of obeisance
Into oblivion.
#426 On Curses
I curse you.
I curse you for the smearing of our good names.
For your insinuations.
For your callous determination, to destroy our good works.
For your cowardice, in hiding behind the veil of power
to push us off the precipice.
I curse you, in this blessed month of Ramadan.
May your aims all go awry.
May your works crumble into ash.
May your evil doings find their way back to you,
transmuted into evils committed unto you.
May the miseries you inflict on others,
be heaped unto you in series a millionfold.
I curse you, and may God curse you too.
#421 On My Pocketful of Prayer
In silent hours of early morn I wait
As coming dawn presages Life’s rude trials
I lie awake, regarding Fortune’s bait
These dwindling hours deride my fraught denials
I must away to face Life’s ruthless glare
No sword, no shield, just pocketful of prayer.
#415 Tentang Jentera Perkhidmatan Awam
Dari turus hingga ke dasar
Berdayungan gerak sederap
Walau riuh gempita gegar
Utuh arah tiada tersangap.
#404 On Thriving Beyond the Quicksand of Doubt and Error
With eyes aflint you gaze at the night sky The future brews behind dark taunting clouds Against the odds and jeers you try and try You mark your path against the doubting crowds Beholding you enfirms my faith in Dreams To dare to thrive beyond our daily seams.
On Tantrums
It took me these many years living in this world like a lost stranger to finally learn That so much of what you get out of this life is about how much you badly want it Every tantrum is a grasping at treasure.
Tentang Debaran di Akhir Garis Penamat
Makin hampir garis penamat Makin debar mengejar cita Jangan gentar memburu hajat Ada sinar menanti kita!
On New Pathfinding Adventures
A new adventure beckons you, young man One that you must accept with brave, bold heart 'Tis time to test what you cannot and can For thus we learn the meaning and the art Of Life, this existential trial and test To glory Him before our final rest.