#477 Tentang Kedurjanaan Yang Kini Terhalal

Ah, rupanya kau sama saja
Dengan durjana-durjana yang sebelumnya!

Dahulu kau berkhutbah garang
Tentang tangan-tangan terlarang
Merobekcarik tanpa bersilu
Mencurirompak tanpa termalu

Kini khutbah terkunci sepi
Disimpan balik tabir suami
Merobekcarik jadi terhalal
Mengaducuri jadi terbatal

Ah, rupanya kau sama saja
Dengan durjana-durjana yang sebelumnya!

#476 On Your One Last Desperate Charge

With blackened hands and blackened hearts they sought 
To drive the knife into your merry band
Imperilling what you have built, hard-fought
So now you mount your steed, a final stand
To guard against the vultures looming large
You gird yourself for one last desperate charge.

#464 On Preening and the Coming Reckoning

For five and score years you've proclaimed the fight
For Truth and Justice to prevail anew
But Hope is now corroded by the blight
Of compromise: a coward's fatal brew
You revel in the preen of hard-won power
But every day brings closer reckoning's Hour.

#457 On Your Revelry

So this is how
You climbed your way
Up to the top:
To those above, servility
To those below, duplicity
To fellow peers, vile treachery

You revel now in borrowed power
But He awaits, within the Hour.

#442 On Cancer Within Your Ranks

For years, you climbed your way to long-sought power 
The price you’ve had to pay was steep indeed
And now, this cancer grows with rank devour
It reeks with stench of ever-present greed
The teacher now obeys the student’s way
This cancerous mass within your ranks holds sway