You just deserve
What you asked for
What you prayed for
What you voted for
Sometimes you just deserve what you get.
#634 Tentang T15
Kalau tuan mengurus bangsa
Jangan lupa bermusyawarah
Gali cari jalan saksama
Agar warga tidak tersusah
Deras mulut mengucap arah
Kurang semak kurang pedoman
Rakyat bingung bercampur marah
Pening porak tidak keruan
Lajak sampan boleh diundur
Lajak kata buruk padahnya
Jangan leka menuntut akur
Hingga warga jadi termangsa
Cari jalan terpaling cermat
Agar lancar tatakelola
Amal adab beserta hormat
Pasti tadbir meraih mulia.
#598 On The Maggot’s Rot
Through all the years, your hard travails,
You bid your conscience mute, untasked.
And in the ripeness, power reveals,
Now on your throne you stand, unmasked.
We barely knew you, did we not?
Behind that smile, the maggot's rot.
#597 On Being Out for a Short While
Out for a short while:
A mere blank pause, or is this
The end of the road?
#596 On The Cockroaches
Sunlight is the antidote to injustice:
Evil skulks in dark corners, and cruelty
Rules when eyes are awed and averted.
One brave voice calls out, and the novelty
Of Truth stands tall, like a daring novice.
How did we not know - how were we blindsided?
(Like shamed cockroaches, they scurry out of sight,
To bide their time in the dark cloak of night.)
#582 On Your Torrent of Lies
Torrential stream of bilious lies
To try to smother unkind truths
To fulminate and to disguise
Your cruel intent, devoid of ruth
In disbelief I witness gall
Your chutzpah keeps your cult enthralled.
#578 On Rule by Fist
Against tyranny,
You raised a fist in defiance.
Now, you rule by fist.
#576 On Our March, Abandoned
Twenty-six years ago
You were sacked
And beaten
And disgraced
And we marched to the streets
Not in your name, oh no
But in the name of Justice
And you promised Change
You raised your fist in Defiance
And yes, you promised Justice
Twenty-six years later
(Even if only in our hearts
And not yet on the streets)
We are still marching
For Change and for Justice
Only, we are not quite sure
If you are still marching with us.
#573 Tentang Pencacai Berdaki
Rupa-rupanya kau bukanlah
Sang penyelamat yang bersakti
Yang disangka pembela jati
Bakal mengangkat darjat pertiwi
Rupa-rupanya kau hanyalah
Sang pencacai yang berdaki
Yang menjaja janji tercapati
Demi menongkat azam sendiri
Rupa-rupanya kami hanyalah
Sang mangsa saudagar auta
Yang harus memikul beban kecewa
Warga bangsa yang terpedaya.
#572 Tentang Anjing Kembiri
Jangan terlalu bangga menjadi seorang yang bodoh
Perangai penjilat kamu itu teramat hodohnya
Setiap salakan yang kau peragakan
Untuk sesuap pujian galak dari majikanmu
Telah lama kami abaikan, kami tulikan
Jangan terlalu megah menjadi seekor anjing kembiri
Kau hanya memalukan bangsa dan diri sendiri.