It feels millennia since I’ve walked those halls
The uni years of youthful politics
As if that young man was just someone else
In subtle ways, we’re prey to Time’s false tricks
How did that young man come to be this old?
Did Time strip off the masks that kept us bold?
#488 Tentang Menjaga Kesihatan Tatkala Makin Berusia
Bila usia lanjut ‘patpuluh
Harus mula awasi diri
Makan minum harus bersuluh
Jangan sampai hanyut berahi
Kawal makan rajinkan senam
Sihat badan jiwa tenteram.
#486 On the Thundrous Truth
Spare me not the Pain
Smite me with the thundrous Truth
O Lord, spare me not!
#483 On the Pain that Purifies
The pain: it purifies and clarifies
Draws into keen attention Life's travails
A sharp and rude reminder to the wise:
The tallest trees can fall amidst the gales
Hold fast to Him, and He shall grant you ease
His Mercy shall bring suffering now to cease.
#482 On the Grim Fire
Grim is the fire that
Fiercely burns in your brow, like
A dark, defiant blaze.
#480 On Your Grim Resolve (For Yong)
The fiercest indignation on your brow
That colours your defiance in fractured grace
“So young, and look at her, so shattered now!”
You see the pity writ on every face
And yet I see the grim resolve so plain
You will not cower, you’ll surely rise again!
#476 On Your One Last Desperate Charge
With blackened hands and blackened hearts they sought
To drive the knife into your merry band
Imperilling what you have built, hard-fought
So now you mount your steed, a final stand
To guard against the vultures looming large
You gird yourself for one last desperate charge.
#473 Tentang Jiwa Yang Kalah
Mana dia kekunci arti
Tiap hari masih terlemas
Kabur arah terbuntu sepi
Meski jalan terhidang jelas
Kalah jiwa kaku terbatu
Aku mahu pulang pada-Mu!
#472 Tentang Kemengahan
Mengejar hari
Aku tercicir, sepi
Mengah bermimpi.
#471 On a Middle Aged Man Reading a Star Wars Compendium in the Local Library
He stares intently at the glossy page
And flips each one with reverent, gentle care
In his mind's eye, space battles take the stage
As Jedi knights wave sabres in the air
He hums beneath his breath a soaring theme
A joyful bask amidst a boyhood dream.