#547 On Your Own Time

You think of Time
As the continuum of your own reality
The ebb and flow of history
As it weaves around the fabric of your Life

But this Time
Your Time
- is but one Time amongst many

Just another wave
Amongst each successive wave
Beating against the beach of Existence

And you think of Time
As the ticking of your own clock
The coming and going of your days
The sunrises and sunsets of your Life

But this Time
Your Time
- is but one Time amongst many

And when your time is done
Time will still be here

Like the waves of an endless ocean
Beating against the shores of Being
At the sunset of God's great Creation.

(inspired by Kat Rahmat and Michel Serres)

#535 Tentang Khabar Derita

Tiap satu jalur berita
Yang menceritakan arus hidupmu
Membawakan khabar-khabar derita
Kisah-kisah kesat yang terlalu berat
Untuk ditanggung oleh mata telinga kami

Namun pastinya
Berat lagi tanggung bahumu
Yang makin hari makin surut
Dibebankan selaksa dendam dan kesal
Didegilkan segunung pilihan bebal

Tiap satu jaluran hari
Yang meresahkan benak fikirmu
Membawakan satu lagi peluang
Agar engkau meredah sedikit ruang
Untuk segera kembali pulang

Yang pastinya
Bukan tugasku lagi
Untuk tercegat berdiri
Menuntut agar engkau berhenti berlari

Engkau harus hadapi sendiri
Dengan gigih berani seorang lelaki.