Just watch me walking away
Riding off into my own private sunset
Alone, but unhurt
I sought my own refuge
From your games
And here I am
Intact and ungrateful
- or so you would say
I refuse to be one of the maimed
And those who have remained
They will bear their own scars, in time
I have no more tears left to cry.
#619 Tentang Ufti Terhebat
Itoya saksi:
Kau tanamkan azimat
Ufti terhebat.
#615 On My Wild and Truant Mind
My wild and truant mind repels discipline
And ranges far and wide in unsought streams
With boldness and curious disposition
To bask with joy in fresh and novel dreams
I revel in intrepid transgressions
And march through life with serene procession.
#612 Tentang Jiwa Yang Terpelanting
Dalam keheningan ini
Aku hanya ingin
Meraung selaungnya.
Biar laut, biar langit,
Biar seluruh langit keliling
Menjadi saksi
Suatu jiwa yang terpelanting.
#611 On That Box of Chocolates
Life is like a box of
Most times, you get something
Nice and sweet.
Occasionally, what you get is
Just about okay.
And every now and then,
Every piece in the box
That you thought would be nice
Turns out to be
Curdled poop.
#610 On My Blasted Eyes
Did you ever suspect that we would find each
Other? Through the thickets of false friendships
and brambles of failed encounters, He was leading
Me to you: I was down on my knees, bleeding. Teach
Me to love you wholly, I said. My hands and hips
And blasted eyes are yours, yours for the healing.
#609 On Marching Ahead Through the Brambles
In resignation, we march onwards through
The brambles of uncertain fortunes. Ahead,
The knives are sharpened for the slaughter.
Around us, the terrifying din of mirthful laughter.
But we hold our heads up high, without dread.
The grim truth is that Death prunes life anew.
#608 On Your Turgid Vessel, Now Cleft Asunder
Here you are, abandoned, stranded
Your hopes now fallen to the ground
Barely breathing: drowned, defeated
Your ardent dreams, once skyward bound
Have all defected: sad, bereft
Buried under tortured ground
Your turgid vessel jilted, cleft:
There is nothing, nothing left.
#607 On Being a Good Boy
All I wanted was to be a good boy;
A good boy who would not disappoint you, and make
You proud. My being would wipe away your tears.
I would tiptoe around the eggshells of my toys
And your feelings: mercurial, volatile. I would rake
Away your hurts, and transmute them into my own fears.
#605 On A Disappointing Life
How does it feel to
Know that your life has been a
Deep disappointment?