Satu persatu
Hari hari berlalu
Aku terluntur.
#421 On My Pocketful of Prayer
In silent hours of early morn I wait
As coming dawn presages Life’s rude trials
I lie awake, regarding Fortune’s bait
These dwindling hours deride my fraught denials
I must away to face Life’s ruthless glare
No sword, no shield, just pocketful of prayer.
#418 On Secrets
We don’t have secrets
From each other; at least none
That truly matter.
#417 On That Poor Child
I think about him, now, sometimes
That poor, lost, lonely, saddened child
Clinging onto those broken rhymes
His life uncertain, desperate, wild
But wild, too, were his little dreams
To seek Success, and through that, Love
And now he knows, beyond what seems
Love comes when he trusts Him, Above.
#416 On Our Late Night Drives
Late at night, we drive
Around town, talking about
Life, and Love, and Us.
#414 On The Pouncing Puffin
A flurry of fur,
black and white, pouncing on the
bouncing ping-pong ball.
#406 On This Flag of Hope
I walk through Life like a Pierre Bezukhov
In search of Truth, I grope in the darkness
I ask myself if all this is enough
Each step a denial against the sadness
Through tears I vainly plant this flag of hope
That God’s own Mercy gives me will to cope.
#405 Tentang Menolak Ammarah di Bulan Ramadan
Tenang jiwa dalam Ramadan Waktu tuai amal ibadah Usah sakan menghasut baran Tolak fitnah tolak ammarah.
#404 On Thriving Beyond the Quicksand of Doubt and Error
With eyes aflint you gaze at the night sky The future brews behind dark taunting clouds Against the odds and jeers you try and try You mark your path against the doubting crowds Beholding you enfirms my faith in Dreams To dare to thrive beyond our daily seams.
#403 On Your Main Character Syndrome
You fancy yourself
A hero - anything to
Dull the fear of Death.