Jiwa kacau diulit resah
Khilaf silap meraut hati
Apa harga selaut salah?
Beban dosa sampai ke mati.
#450 On These Jaded Eyes
Come, break bread with me
Come see this world with my eyes
Now dimmed and jaded.
#448 Tentang Senyum Yang Mengandung Redup Kepahitan
Garis-garis resah itu masih jelas tegas
Meski senyummu menguntum mesra pada wajah
Wadi-wadi yang pernah basah bertangis deras
Melakar kisah hidup penuh rona gelisah
Kau tepis semua tangis dengan senyuman pahit
Cebis-cebis hayatmu masih enggan terjahit.
#444 Tentang Deru Hujan
Deru hujan yang melakarkan
Lakon alam: tawa dan tangis
Seni dunia yang mewayangkan
Kisah dunia: hilaian tragis.
#443 On Remembering The Passing of Friends and Mentors (In Memoriam for En. Ahmad Said)
Life begins and ends
And we who are left behind
Weep at the passing.
#440 On Politesse
With open heart I reach past smiles contrived
To venture past the void of hearts unknown
To pierce into the place where lives are lived
To risk unproven friendships overthrown
My olive branch not overtly dismissed
But glanced aside with mannerly resist.
#439 Tentang Dentum Guruh dan Deru Tangis
Dentum guruh di langit kelam
Tanda bumi bakal terhujan
Kelam lagi hati yang suram
Deru tangis tiada tertahan
#437 On Listening Intently to Your Own Self
Away from the void
March to the drumbeat of your
Will to be alive.
#434 On My List of 100 Things to be Grateful For in My Life
A hundred ways I'm grateful for this Life
A hundred times I'm blessed by God above
Within the daily din of baying strife
I've armed my soul with Kindness and with Love
With pen and paper, in my solitude
I count my blessings with deep gratitude.
#433 On Echoes of Friendships Past
Our friendships echo loud through muddled Time
And even in the darkest night, alone
The memories come alive in gentle rhyme
For all our sins, these warm ties do atone
And even though our lives now barely meet
I treasure this: no lies, no bald conceit.