Di antara baris-baris yang mengalunkan
Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Aku merasakan mata makin terberat
Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Dan aku makin tergelincir antara
Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Sedar dan lena, detak bergema
Ya Haqq Ya Haqq Ya Haqq
Melantun dalam kamar jiwa yang
Ya Hayy Ya Hayy Ya Hayy
Mendakap pelita yang bersinar diam
Ya Qayyum Ya Qayyum Ya Qayyum
Seolah meneguk minyak yang diberkati
Ya Huu Ya Huu Ya Huu
Yang hampir saja menerangi
Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Walau tiada tersentuh api
Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Ambillah aku seluruh aku
Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Tiada ragu tiada semu tiada jemu
Ya Allah
Ya Allah
Ya Allah.
#512 Tentang Lima Kali Sehari
Lima sehari
Berpegangkan tali-Nya
Terdesak erat.
#481 On the Afterlife that Awaits
Submit to Him who gives you Will to choose
Surrender to Your Lord and his dictates
This Life is an illusion to bemuse
For after Life, the Afterlife awaits
We shall be judged by how we played His cards:
Eternal bliss, or flames and poisoned shards.
#462 On the Divine Word
With words divine You guide the lost, the strayed
Through his untutored tongue, Your blest words flowed
Two thousand years since, still the sharpest blade
To cut a swathe through Evil's darkened road
In times of darkness we hold fast to this
Your Book, a compass guiding us to Bliss.
#412 Tentang Marak Amarah
Obor marah dipalu gendang Isu kecil diapi-api Nama Allah dibuat dagang Demi raih laba duniawi Apa erti puasa Ramadan Apa makna iman di hati Jika zalim kau perlakukan Jika asyik berbatuapi? Hentikanlah marak amarah Usah leka nafsu tergalak Jauhilah sifat mazmumah Jadi Muslim sebaik akhlak.
#408 On Socks and Pitchforks
Gather your pitchforks
Let me ride your blind anger,
Your rude, mindless rage.
#407 On Brownshirt Tricks
You scream holy rage over socks and stews
With manufactured outrage to offend
“Defending God” as a young nation slews
Convulsed by demagogic discommend
With bloodshot eyes you rave and stamp your feet
With brownshirt tricks you thump your war-drum beat.
#405 Tentang Menolak Ammarah di Bulan Ramadan
Tenang jiwa dalam Ramadan Waktu tuai amal ibadah Usah sakan menghasut baran Tolak fitnah tolak ammarah.
#401 On the Fourth Day of Ramadan
I give of this, to You, my abstinence
From food, from drink, from haughty vanity
To turn to You in sober penitence
To reach beyond to Your infinity
Tonight I humbly seek your plenteous Grace
My poor soul dares not suffer your efface.
On the Test of Ramadan
In hunger and in thirst are we tested In solidarity with those deprived To have our baser natures now bested This glorious trial for us has He contrived In Ramadan against ourselves prevail To win His favour in this tearful vale.