#614 On This Torrential Inundation

Torrential inundation: wrath of God?
Or merely climate change in rampant form?
If we are to be spared His righteous rod
Could we assuage this mighty, raging storm?
Or maybe Mankind’s fate is truly sealed
The planet’s payback cannot be repealed!

#594 Tentang Nafas Rindu

Dengan setiap rukun ruku’ dan sujud
Aku ampuhkan seluruh pancaindera
Menempuh alur waktu dan wujud
Membucu setiap sisa rasa sengketa
Pancungkanlah nafsu buasku, Tuhan
Agar dapat aku bernafas tanpa sedan.

#584 On Your Subtle Benediction

Beneath the humdrum throb of daily life,
I can almost hear the silent bassline
Of your Music: the constant and active
Act of Creation that disarms the knife
Of Chaos and repels the saturnine
And the unjust and the invidious.
I close my eyes; I will away the intrusive
Glare of vile, idolatrous strife.
I surrender to Your Music: subtle and benign.

#528 On This Deep Longing

Everyone has a deep longing within them
A wanting
A needing
Like a raging fire
That consumes our very being

We always always long for something
And in that burning, raging fire
We flail away
Trying to hang on to anything
To keep from drowning away
In the fire of longing

Never truly knowing
Never truly realising
That this deep longing
This unquenchable wanting
This unmet needing

Was always for You
For You, and You alone.

(inspired by Jon Fosse's Septology)

#483 On the Pain that Purifies

The pain: it purifies and clarifies
Draws into keen attention Life's travails
A sharp and rude reminder to the wise:
The tallest trees can fall amidst the gales
Hold fast to Him, and He shall grant you ease
His Mercy shall bring suffering now to cease.

#481 On the Afterlife that Awaits

Submit to Him who gives you Will to choose
Surrender to Your Lord and his dictates
This Life is an illusion to bemuse
For after Life, the Afterlife awaits
We shall be judged by how we played His cards:
Eternal bliss, or flames and poisoned shards.

Tentang Akhlak Adabi

Engkaulah yang Mengajar kami
Perilaku insan adabi
Agar kami senantiasa mengasihi
Dan menyayangi
Moga tiap hari
Semakin menghampiri
Akhlak budiman yang Engkau Ajarkan:
Yang Maha Pengasih
Lagi Maha Penyayang!