#481 On the Afterlife that Awaits

Submit to Him who gives you Will to choose
Surrender to Your Lord and his dictates
This Life is an illusion to bemuse
For after Life, the Afterlife awaits
We shall be judged by how we played His cards:
Eternal bliss, or flames and poisoned shards.

Tentang Deruan Hari

Dalam deruan hari-harimu 
Apakah mungkin terlintas di fikiranmu
Bahawa semua gembar-gembur kehidupan seharian ini
Adalah umpama buih-buih pada wajah samudera
Terlambung seketika di udara
Terwujudnya sedetik cuma
Dan akhirnya terlucut dari pentas dunia?

On Record

I write this to you
An unnameable and unknown you
From across these miles
These years
These centuries

As a record
of my erstwhile existence.