Woman dressed as cat
Sells you a feline trinket
- Nothing here is strange.
#445 On Getting Ready to Pounce
She crouches low, her
Tail wagging slowly as she
Gets ready to pounce.
#429 Tentang Sang Pekerja Asing di Klinik Kucing
Dua tangannya berurat kuat
Merangkul erat sang kucing manja
Senyum redup pada wajah kesat
Menguntum rahman pada binarnya
Mata yang sering lama terkusam
Dulu pudar, kini bercahaya
Pada hidup yang lama terkelam
Kini sinar tenang gah tersulam.
#414 On The Pouncing Puffin
A flurry of fur,
black and white, pouncing on the
bouncing ping-pong ball.
On Puffin the Magic Kucing
She came into our lives, this magic loaf
A puff of love so gentle and so mild
So graceful she, no terror nor an oaf
With tender miaows befitting Love unriled.