Glad musician plays
The cello amidst verdant
Woods - such sublime grace!
On Evensong
Meek birdsong and the
Graceful swirl of violins - my
Evening lullaby.
On The Dark Phalanx
Dark phalanx of clouds
Marching through these tall steel spires
Like divine fury.
On The Fish Pond
Like little flickering flames
Dancing within the depths of a mirror
The little red fishies evade the
Staccato swishes
Of my tender ten-year old fingers
Roiling the surface of the fish pond
Like the clumsy clowning of an errant god.
Tentang Lembaran Luka di Tanah Gaza
Dosa murka berbalas luka Asal mangsa jadi penjajah Tanah Gaza berlembar duka Tujuh dekad bermandi darah Dosa bunuh berbalas bunuh Insan kerdil terdagang nyawa Satu dunia berjiwa rusuh Hati ummah remuk meronta Apa mungkin masih berdiam Apa mungkin berpejam mata Hati marak jangan diredam Jalan aman cari bersama.
On The Idiot Box
There I was, sunk into myself, eyes glazed
As a parade of beguiling sights and
Sounds charm me like a beady-eyed serpent
Needy, greedy in my des’prate desire
To forget, to beget my own slumber
Against the roaring din of existence.
On The Israeli Bombardment of Al Ahli Hospital
Too many eyes have been wounded tonight
Eyes which have wept wet tears of blinding grief
Now red, bleared, livid with war’s burning fog.
Bloodshot eyes, now braying for the blood of
Children, women whose only sin is that
They dare to insist on the right to live.
On J M W Turner’s The Field of Waterloo

Charged lightning pours an
Angry light on this field of
Deaf, dumb, dead bodies.
On Our Prayer
I whispered to God,
And in her ear, a prayer for
His Benediction.
On J M W Turner’s Yacht Approaching The Coast

Bright blinding sky casts
Eddied reflections on the
Muddy, jealous sea.