Tentang Dua Puluh Dua Puluh Empat

Temasya dibuat setahun sekali
Kita raikan guliran hari
Tanpa tercelik detikan hati
Bahwa masa terus berlari
Deras, deras berlari

Dua puluh dua puluh empat 
Apa erti umur melewat?
Mana saudara dan rakan rapat
Nyawa hilang jejas terlumat
Dalam tanah tersemat

Temasya tersulam benang kelam
Jarum masa makin membenam
Dengan tiap silihan malam
Jarum menghunus segala dendam
Kau dan aku, terkaram.

Terilham oleh Pasir Roboh dendangan S M Salim

On Sungkai

Early morning
And I am on the road again
Not quite sure
For whom
And for what

Life is full of such
Moments of incomprehension

We often do what we must
Even if we are not quite sure
For whom
And for what
And when and how and why.

On Your Online Profile

I stumbled onto your online profile today
On your corporate website
With words like
Excellently and
Well-known and
Encrusted like jewels
On a bed of warm, mediocre poop

Of course, your online profile
Would omit the things
One would be embarrassed to
Speak about in polite company
And in highfalutin conferences
And in royal courts

Like how you left those bruises
On your wife
In places no one could see
Like how you abandoned
Your children
In ways no one could ever recover from
Like how you chased down
Your current younger wife
In ways she herself
Would wish to never remember

But you can rest easy
Because your online profile
Would keep all those things
Well hidden
Like your own life, and who you really are
Hidden away so well
Between those lines of blind self-praise
That you now hardly know
Your own self.