With vernal joy the drums proclaim the dance, The ring of cymbals greets the festive prowl, The lions in lockstep march so proudly prance With rapid winks of eye and waving jowl, With each bold leap and bound the crowds would cheer To welcome this, the Dragon's own New Year.
On Being Held Prisoner by an Interminable Zoom Call
Impatience stains my over-beetled brow As prattlers prattle in smug servile tones Oh give me gun to shoot my temple now Than me to suffer this in silenced groans!
On Life’s Storms
You made your choice, to slink your way through Life, To hide behind your temperamental rage, As if this world would shield you from all strife, When you well know, Life's storms none can assuage.
Tentang Akhlak Adabi
Engkaulah yang Mengajar kami Perilaku insan adabi Agar kami senantiasa mengasihi Dan menyayangi Moga tiap hari Semakin menghampiri Akhlak budiman yang Engkau Ajarkan: Yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang!
On Biting Words
In spite of myself
These words, they come unbidden
Biting at the seams.
Tentang Diskaun Keadilan
Curi milo masuk penjara
Sakau bilion diberi diskaun
Apa erti tatakelola
Bila adil serupa firaun?
Tentang Hayat Yang Semakin Singkat
Kalau hayat tinggal sedepa Bangkit cergas lunturkan alpa Kalau hayat tinggal sehasta Jangan leka bergurau senda Kalau hayat tinggal sejengkal Usah risau perkara dangkal Kalau hayat tinggal seinci Ucap shuhud pada Ilahi!
On Your One Mortal Life
When your body is battered, breaking down, You need to pause and listen to reflect, Perhaps your life, your craving for renown Must now make way for prayer and genuflect. Your duty now to yourself in this strife: Enact true justice to your mortal life.
On Why You Sneer
You just needed someone
You could sneer at
And jeer at
For failing
At that one thing
You wish could have been
Your own path in life.
Tentang Hayat Yang Bakal Ditiup Angin Lalu
Apa erti barisan pantun
Hanya debu di angin lalu
Dalam jalur masa berkurun
Jumlah hayat seolah abu.