You need to start owning your life.
Every single piece of it.
This is the only path,
For a Life without Guilt, without Shame.
On Karaoke
Just the two of us
Belting out with hearts ablaze
Each song a dark fire
On Roaring Thunder
Thunder roars loudly
In the night sky, as rain falls
Down on this parched earth.
On New Pathfinding Adventures
A new adventure beckons you, young man One that you must accept with brave, bold heart 'Tis time to test what you cannot and can For thus we learn the meaning and the art Of Life, this existential trial and test To glory Him before our final rest.
Tentang Hati Tertawan di Hari Valentin
Sungai Besut mengalir tenang Singgah lalu di pekan Jerteh Hati hamba tertawan sayang Teduh dalam naungan kasih.
On Getting By
Through gritted teeth we
Say pleasant things to get by:
False smiles hide hurt hearts.
On Homeostatic Regulation
Get back into orbit, oh planet child
Way out of line you are, your orb askew
The natural order must prevail, your wild
Perambulations you must now eschew
Desist your ways, remit your resistance
This family runs on joylike obeisance.
Tentang Mencari Saksi
Tiap orang mencari shuhud
Saksi insan di alam fana
Tiap saat merayutuntut
Agar jiwa tak terkesima.
On How Life Can Change In an Instant
With billowed clouds arrayed in glad suspense In eager grace to shed their pearly store The skies have opened up in rapt commence To spend in one deft swoop their prize galore This goodly flood is God's bestowed reply To oft-asked prayers, His bounties now brought nigh.
Tentang Perubahan Hidup dalam Sekelip Mata
Deru hujan menyimbah bumi Air sungai mengalir deras Dari rangkak lantas berlari Arah hidup berubah pantas Dalam hanya sekelip mata Masa mampu merubah semua.