On Simplicity

I want to live with my eyes wide open 
Not hiding in shame or cowering in guilt 
Like swans basking in a lush green garden 
These simple joys I'll savour to the hilt.

On Tantrums

It took me these many years 
living in this world like a lost stranger 
to finally learn

That so much of what you get out of this life 
is about how much you badly want it 

Every tantrum
is a grasping at treasure. 

On Thou

I was searching for Wonder
And Adventure
I sought Greatness in my Work
And in the adoration of Others
And when Work defeated me
I sought Healing in Others
And in Books, and in Words

It took these words to remind me
That the Greatness and the Healing
I was seeking
Was always here all along
In Thou, closer to me than my jugular vein
In Thou, the Lord of all the Worlds.

Tentang Kepasrahan Menanggung Ujian

Walau dicincang tiadakan putus
Arusan air tetap mengalir
Usah ditentang galuran arus
Aturan hayat lazimnya getir

Walaupun banjir melanda lembah
Tiada tertunduk jiwa manusia
Segala uji digalas tabah
Pasrah terima tanpa kecewa.