Even crazed chainsaw men
Would give up limb and life
To honour loved ones when
All’s at stake amidst strife
We throw the dice at Fate
To seek Salvation’s gate.
#409 On Knowledge and Beauty in Reading
With each page, each word
Knowledge and Beauty unfolds:
My life’s salvation.
#408 On Socks and Pitchforks
Gather your pitchforks
Let me ride your blind anger,
Your rude, mindless rage.
#407 On Brownshirt Tricks
You scream holy rage over socks and stews
With manufactured outrage to offend
“Defending God” as a young nation slews
Convulsed by demagogic discommend
With bloodshot eyes you rave and stamp your feet
With brownshirt tricks you thump your war-drum beat.
#406 On This Flag of Hope
I walk through Life like a Pierre Bezukhov
In search of Truth, I grope in the darkness
I ask myself if all this is enough
Each step a denial against the sadness
Through tears I vainly plant this flag of hope
That God’s own Mercy gives me will to cope.
#405 Tentang Menolak Ammarah di Bulan Ramadan
Tenang jiwa dalam Ramadan Waktu tuai amal ibadah Usah sakan menghasut baran Tolak fitnah tolak ammarah.
#404 On Thriving Beyond the Quicksand of Doubt and Error
With eyes aflint you gaze at the night sky The future brews behind dark taunting clouds Against the odds and jeers you try and try You mark your path against the doubting crowds Beholding you enfirms my faith in Dreams To dare to thrive beyond our daily seams.
#403 On Your Main Character Syndrome
You fancy yourself
A hero - anything to
Dull the fear of Death.
#402 Tentang Takdir
Tiap insan seawal lahir
Sabar tabah menanti takdir.
#401 On the Fourth Day of Ramadan
I give of this, to You, my abstinence
From food, from drink, from haughty vanity
To turn to You in sober penitence
To reach beyond to Your infinity
Tonight I humbly seek your plenteous Grace
My poor soul dares not suffer your efface.