#460 On Fixing What Was Lost

This evening
I was trying to fix the air conditioner
Strugglingly vainly
With the ladder and the YouTube video
And suddenly
I was that four year-old boy again
Reminded of what I lost
That day when you gave up on us.

#457 On Your Revelry

So this is how
You climbed your way
Up to the top:
To those above, servility
To those below, duplicity
To fellow peers, vile treachery

You revel now in borrowed power
But He awaits, within the Hour.

#453 Tentang Chainsaw Man

Pada dahi gergaji deras
Bilah besi pencetus maut
Darah merah terpancar panas
Deru lumur seolah laut
Jerit ngeri menggerun alam
Degup hayat terputus padam.