Tari embun di hujung daun
Sambut girang terbit mentari
Hamba sujud merafak ampun
Tuhan alam semesta jadi.
#514 Tentang Kepahitan Hidup di Setiap Penjuru
Di setiap juru
Mengalir sungai pahit
Merah menjalar.
#513 Tentang Parti Politik yang Masih Belum Sedar Diri
Masih bermimpi
Erat mendakap silam
Lebam terjunam.
#512 Tentang Lima Kali Sehari
Lima sehari
Berpegangkan tali-Nya
Terdesak erat.
#511 On the Meditations of Jon Fosse
These incantations
Like waves lapping on a beach
They carry me home.
#510 On Newton’s Third Law of Hate
For every emotion,
There is an equal and opposite emotion:
This is in the iron law
That governs human interaction
For every angry activist
Every upset demonstrator
Every militant agitator
There is one on the other side of the divide
For every denouncer of evils
Spewing hate and judgment
Against anyone seen as "different"
Hate against infidels
Hate against deviants
Hate against vagrants
Hate against immigrants
There is one on the other side of the divide
Who is (secretly) different
Often they are one and the same person
For every hate
There is an equal and opposite shame
Hiding beyond a tattered mask
Of anger and redirected blame.
#509 On Absent Fathers
The least you can do
At your son’s wedding, is to
Pretend to give a
#508 Tentang Janji Yang Tercapati
Mungkir tanpa secebis segan
Janji lama kau capatikan
Yang kau kejar masih berenggan
Yang kau kendong dipersetankan!
#507 Tentang Anak Kucing Girang
Anak kucing melompat riang
Liuk lentok mencakar manja
Hati gering kembali girang
Bila Puff Puff bermain ria 😸
#506 On This Breakfast Buffet
Bounteous morning feast
of medley fruits and sunshine
Such majestic Grace!