On Record

I write this to you
An unnameable and unknown you
From across these miles
These years
These centuries

As a record
of my erstwhile existence.

On Being Grim

He looked right at me
and said,
“It is going to be grim.
You need to be strong
for your mother,
and your family.”

I just looked away,
desperately trying to hide
my breaking heart.

Tentang Beban

Takkan Tuhan menambah beban
Melainkan kau mampu menahan
Atas daya setiap insan.

Hasil baik semua usaha
Hasil jahat semua durjana
Semuanya ‘kan kau tanggung jua. 

Maka doa dipohon angkat:

Wahai Tuhan pemilik Rahmat!
Jangan kami terkira laknat
Andai kami terkhilaf ingat.

Wahai Tuhan segenap alam!
Jangan kami Engkau bebankan
Persis kaum dimasa silam.

Wahai Tuhan maha semesta!
Jangan kami Engkau bebankan
Sedang tiada kami berdaya.

Dan maafkan silapnya kami
Ampunkanlah dosanya kami
Rahmatilah kesemua kami
Yang bertegas menentang musuh
Engkau jua Pemberi Ampuh 
Beri kami Menang yang Kukuh.

Terilham oleh Al Baqarah 286.

Puisi IV – Ulangtahun ke-Empatbelas

Jagung bertih buat bekalan 
Jauh kelana ke Tanah Bali 
Kandung kasih berpayung intan 
Bershukur hamba kurnia Ilahi 

Masjid Nyalas teguh adanya 
Tiang seri umat Melaka 
Empat belas tahun bersama   
Kasih patri selama lama 

Puisi II – Pantun Temasek

Kalau tuan singgah Temasek
Jangan lupa beli durian
Kalau hati tuan terusik
Usah pendam keseorangan

Sudah resam alam bermarga
Helang mana berkawan pipit?
Sudah resam berumahtangga
Lidah mana tiada tergigit?

Sungai Jurong airnya bersih
Nyaman alir di hari petang
Damai hati bersulam kasih
Damai jiwa diulit sayang.

Poem II – Putera Puteri

T’was once a shining, splendoured thing 
Such hopes that Life itself daren’t cage 
Eyes that once gleamed with love ablaze 
Now dulled by slow, relentless age. 
And for its passing do I pray 
That you do find amidst your Rome 
a Life that shines, with splendour still  
And may Peace find its harboured home.  

Puisi I – Mata Hati

Cerah mata memandang kamu 
Cerah hati menumpas ragu
Dua jiwa berkongsi hidup
Takhta kasih berhias sanggup

Redup mata menatap kamu
Redup hati nyaman beradu
Naung jiwa di taman syahdu
Sanggul nyawa dirangkul baldu

Sungguh berkat hidup berdua!
Penuh rahmat hidup bersama!

Kasih mata memandang kamu
Kasih hati nyaman bertemu
Tiada berpisah walau terpisah
Di taman abadi bertemu wajah.

Poem I – Perplexed

I hold myself in state perplexed, 
Wherefore these so-called friends have flexed
their blind obeisance to a thief
Who gladly lends this nation grief.

Affrightened, shocked, we then did gasp
at tales of nation’s riches grasp’d,
In revelations of ill gain
and debts of billions now retained
at cost of our own public purse
And echoes of our children’s curse.

And herein lies my ill content
My queried mind in bafflement
What makes these fools of certain grief
to take up cudgels for a thief,
To make false claims of justice bent
When Justice was what God had sent?

Perhaps our own minds were athwart
Too bubbled up to see the art?

Or mayhaps those who know facts well
were flummoxed at the blatant spell
T’was cast by Power’s heavy wand
That Great and Good would dumbly stand
aside as thieves ruled in their prime
with robes of gold to hide their grime,
and riches piled for those with might
to plunder all in broad daylight.

And in minority we stand
The few and frazzled of the land
Accused of being “out of touch”
We’re told that politics is such:
That “Bossku”’s cause is of the right,
That white is black and black is white!

Then destined are we for the fall
a nation that would not stand tall
to judge a thief a criminal,
but rather praise a convict’s gall.