Every Gilberte or Albértine
Who makes her way into our heart
At that one moment in our Life
Is a witness to who we were
And who we could become
And who we eventually come to be.
On Delulu
Excuse me,
Your delulu is showing
Your failures are mounting
And I’m done pretending.
On Simplicity
I want to live with my eyes wide open Not hiding in shame or cowering in guilt Like swans basking in a lush green garden These simple joys I'll savour to the hilt.
On Tantrums
It took me these many years living in this world like a lost stranger to finally learn That so much of what you get out of this life is about how much you badly want it Every tantrum is a grasping at treasure.
On Thou
I was searching for Wonder
And Adventure
I sought Greatness in my Work
And in the adoration of Others
And when Work defeated me
I sought Healing in Others
And in Books, and in Words
It took these words to remind me
That the Greatness and the Healing
I was seeking
Was always here all along
In Thou, closer to me than my jugular vein
In Thou, the Lord of all the Worlds.
On Those Global Halal Biscuits
Why aren't we capturing this massive global halal market? Because for all of your arrogant bluster it is easier to eat a biscuit than to make one.
On These Slim Volumes
Within these slim volumes Entire worlds beckon Swim through the eddies of the brightest minds of this evanescent civilisation Skim through these words Read them with deep introspection They glimmer with Wisdom's lustrous glow.
On Puffin the Magic Kucing
She came into our lives, this magic loaf
A puff of love so gentle and so mild
So graceful she, no terror nor an oaf
With tender miaows befitting Love unriled.
On Waiting with Patience
These are the silent waiting years
When Time stood brooding still
Though Fortune’s boon be not a curse
We wait with bated will
His blessings will unfold anew
For those with patience true.
On My Finitude, Brimming with You
My finitude brims with infinite You The meaning of my daily joys and hurts When Life can blur the lines of what is true The Truth of you becalms me and engirts Amidst these unremitting, violent days Within your heart my heart, enraptured, stays.