#465 On Settling, With No Regrets

Bereft of honeyed dreams, he settles down
Into the humdrum march of daily life
No grand ambitions now, no angry frown
Just living for today: no laboured strife
He finally learnt to live Life as it was
With no regrets, no dreaded sense of loss.

#464 On Preening and the Coming Reckoning

For five and score years you've proclaimed the fight
For Truth and Justice to prevail anew
But Hope is now corroded by the blight
Of compromise: a coward's fatal brew
You revel in the preen of hard-won power
But every day brings closer reckoning's Hour.

#463 On Teachers’ Day

With selfless cause you kindle bright young minds
The torch of Truth burns brilliant 'gainst the dark
With tireless toil you sweep away these blinds
With book and pen you call to highest hark
O teachers, we owe you the highest debt
Your names, your deeds we never shall forget!

#462 On the Divine Word

With words divine You guide the lost, the strayed
Through his untutored tongue, Your blest words flowed
Two thousand years since, still the sharpest blade
To cut a swathe through Evil's darkened road
In times of darkness we hold fast to this
Your Book, a compass guiding us to Bliss.

#461 On Resisting Trepid Fears

Betrothed by fate to this uncertain life
One foot in front of foot we trudge ahead
Behind this veil of ignorance our rife
Anxiety breeds ungainly thoughts unsaid
Perplexed, we must resist such trepid fears
Lest we derive a life awash in tears.

#460 On Fixing What Was Lost

This evening
I was trying to fix the air conditioner
Strugglingly vainly
With the ladder and the YouTube video
And suddenly
I was that four year-old boy again
Reminded of what I lost
That day when you gave up on us.

#457 On Your Revelry

So this is how
You climbed your way
Up to the top:
To those above, servility
To those below, duplicity
To fellow peers, vile treachery

You revel now in borrowed power
But He awaits, within the Hour.