#503 On The Unsheathed Sword

You shirk the task with nonchalant reply
This menial duty far beneath your grace
And so I take it on myself to try
The task dispatched away with heedful haste
No pointing blame, but this I shall remark
My sword, unsheathed, awaits the next lit spark.

#502 On Your Turn

It’s your turn, baby
Who knows how Life will turn out
For now, it’s just us.

(With mad respect to Ty Dolla $ign)

#497 On Ascending

I scratched my hands today
To see if I still bleed
Tried to wash it all away
This deeply-seated need

To love and so be loved
But you cannot reveal
The pain of all these years
You can never heal

What have I become
Your broken child
All I have to taste is
Your dark, tainted bile

And you could never have
My empire of love
I will leave you here, as
I ascend above.

(with apologies to Trent Reznor and Johnny Cash)

#495 Tentang Pengumuman dan Percaturan

Pengumuman tentang pengumuman
Bagai kilau bayang yang mewayang
Pertuturan demi pertuturan
Menyalut ikan basi dalam sampul loyang

Demi mencuri sesuap ucapan syukur
Dari sang marhaen yang dipandang kufur
Enggan akur pada kehebatan
Sang penguasa yang bermahkotarotan

Percaturan demi percaturan
Dua langkah maju kehadapan
Lima langkah kau bungkam terhumban.