Invested in me:
Your vain hopes of salvation
With futile effect!
#458 On Waiting for Power
Don’t wait for them to
“Bagi chance” - they never will
Just Seize the Day now!
#456 On My Own Skeletons
Show me yours and I’ll
Show you my own skeletons
Hidden deep beneath.
Inspired by Phoebe Bridgers’ Savior Complex
#451 Tentang Asakan
Ini nasib sang anak
#450 On These Jaded Eyes
Come, break bread with me
Come see this world with my eyes
Now dimmed and jaded.
#447 Tentang Cinta Pandang Pertama
Selayang pandang
Hati tertawan; bisa
Meracun kalbu.
#445 On Getting Ready to Pounce
She crouches low, her
Tail wagging slowly as she
Gets ready to pounce.
#443 On Remembering The Passing of Friends and Mentors (In Memoriam for En. Ahmad Said)
Life begins and ends
And we who are left behind
Weep at the passing.
#441 On Lemminghood
Like lemmings we march
Off the cliff of obeisance
Into oblivion.
#437 On Listening Intently to Your Own Self
Away from the void
March to the drumbeat of your
Will to be alive.