At your helm, Anger’s
Haughty flames, and Anxiety,
Your life’s copilot.
#514 Tentang Kepahitan Hidup di Setiap Penjuru
Di setiap juru
Mengalir sungai pahit
Merah menjalar.
#513 Tentang Parti Politik yang Masih Belum Sedar Diri
Masih bermimpi
Erat mendakap silam
Lebam terjunam.
#512 Tentang Lima Kali Sehari
Lima sehari
Berpegangkan tali-Nya
Terdesak erat.
#511 On the Meditations of Jon Fosse
These incantations
Like waves lapping on a beach
They carry me home.
#509 On Absent Fathers
The least you can do
At your son’s wedding, is to
Pretend to give a
#506 On This Breakfast Buffet
Bounteous morning feast
of medley fruits and sunshine
Such majestic Grace!
#505 On a Rawlsian Attempt
So you’re trying too hard
To play the philosopher
But you’re just a fake 🙄
#504 On Middle Aged Men in Lycra
MAMIL on a bike
You just look ridiculous
In your tight lycra
#502 On Your Turn
It’s your turn, baby
Who knows how Life will turn out
For now, it’s just us.
(With mad respect to Ty Dolla $ign)