He saw the chickens gobbling the seeds on the ground and screamed his head off!
Tentang Nikmat Membaca
Nikmat sungguh amal membaca
Teman setia sepanjang hayat
Tiap baris mewaris makna
Segar sarat membuah nikmat
Untung sungguh insan budiman
Malar hayat berdamping makna
Tiap hari tiada rawan
Tenang dalam taman saujana.
On Ten Thousand Steps
Each day I try to
walk ten thousand steps - movement
staves off the darkness.
On the Everyday Life of a Value Investor
Through careful sifting of statistics and accounts, one discovers gems.
On Erling Braut Haaland
Banging in the goals
A beast at six foot four, he’s
Erling Braut Haaland!
On the Narcissism of the Career Politician
“I alone can save
this country,” is what they all
say/think to themselves.
On the Dragon’s Nine Dashes
The cowlick tongue, afire, affeared The dragon sheds its gown of shame This lake of fire, it smoulders red A prize for thwarted dreams inflamed The tongue it flicks across these shores The belt and road, now bully's gall Indignant protests all ignored Incursion curses neighbours all In gaped amazement nations grieve Audacious claim encinders trust The strong shall seize what they can seize The weak shall suffer what they must.
On the Politics of Self-Preservation and Compromise and the Death of Reformasi
At long last, escape was engineered - a nation's uproar all for naught.
Tentang Keinsafan di Pinggir Lobi Hotel
Sambil menghirup kopi termahal
Di lobi hotel terpaling elit
Merenung susur hayat berbelit
Ternyata rezki tiada terbatal
Walau payah sering membakar
Namun kini setimpal semua
Sungguhpun usia tetap menduga
Tatap teguh mengakar sabar.
Tentang Pelarian
Aku mau lari
Lari dari diri sendiri
Dari tebing jiwa yang bergerigi
Yang memanggilrayu jiwa yang sepi -
Sendiri, sendiri memperingati
Bahwa malam ini mendesak
Walau jiwa terbenam sesak -
Aku harus tenang disini
Bertafakur menunggu pagi.