Mekar kembang mawar dan lili
Ganti diri jauh tersangat
Rindu puan tidak terperi
Tiap saat luka tersayat.
Tentang Desiran Usia
Usia memukul
Pasiran hayat, cermat
Meluntur jiwa.
Tentang Hidup Terkerdil
Hidup terkerdil
Ini tak kuratapi -
Kau memaknakan.
On Letting Go and Letting God
Let go and let God have His way with you Trust in His magnum Grace and guidance true. Days like these it feels like Life ain't playing Fair, and cheers have turned to jeers and braying. But know that your Lord cares for you and loves You, and in your hardship, know that His troves of treasure wait whom hold onto His rope Steadfast, never falt'ring in Faith and Hope For his benediction. Just do your thing: The redemption you prayed for, He will bring. Inspired by PJ Morton's "Let Go (feat. The Walls Group)" from his The Piano Album
Tentang Sekolah Alam Shah
"Kami hanya mahu pelajar yang
Cemerlang!" ujar sang pengetua.
Luluh hati ibunda, apatah
Lagi jiwa rapuh anak mentah
Yang terlalu sering dikecewa
Kini dinobat "kurang cemerlang",
Dipulaukan dan diusir pulang.
Hati terkucil bukan kepalang
Dalam tangisan terpasak dendam
Jiwa membara menyekam azam
Menebus parah digelar tempang
Bara dipegang sampai terarang!
Tentang Ulangtahun Umi
Selamat ulangtahun, Umi
Moga kasih Allah rahmati
Ibunda nadi nyawa kami
Tunjang usrah payung nurani
Moga mesra senantiasalah
Bunda dalam naungan Allah
Panjang umur beriring sihat
Selamanya dikandung rahmat.
Tentang Pengguliran
Hari hari bergulir lalu
Sunyi hati menghuruhara
Hamba sini setia menunggu
Saat puan pulang ke riba.
On The Call of the Machine
Most days, you will hear it as a whispered breeze
Passing through the tall trees of your daily existence
Seducing you with its gentle caress
And sometimes, on days like today
The song becomes a deafening roar in your ear
Pulling at your hand
Tugging at your heart
Screaming in your face:
Surrender to the machine!
Submit to the call!
Obey obey obey!
On Taming Butterflies
Tame those butterflies
Flutt’ring round your insides - Zen
Comes from knowing Him.
On the Siren Song
Resist the siren
Song of others - your own bell
Must ring eternal!