Jerit kokok tegas bergema
Kicau burung memujuk rawan
Hening pagi menggamit mesra
Aku sujud padamu Tuhan
On Heaven’s Tears
Thunder roars in the Sky as heaven's tears fall on The dark grey tarmac.
On Dark Judgment
These brooding clouds, they
Gather in dark judgment like
A murder of crows.
On Oiling the Machine
Line them up as I
Hand out env’lopes of cash; I
Buy votes with a smile.
On Baharis
I barely knew you
And I knew almost nothing of
When and how you were born
Or who your parents were
Or how you got here
Or how you found yourself being
A young bride in a strange land
Surrounded on all sides
By people who did not love you
And did not care that you were barely loved
I barely knew your life
But I know that in the young years
Of my own life
You loved me with the fierce tenderness
Of a lioness, claws and all
Maybe they never loved you
But you had love abundant
Your love, transcendant
For me, for us
On Those Drops of Jupiter
Did you fall for a Shooting star? You left - I know Now that it's your loss.
On The Inexpressible
Between these lines I Try vainly to express the Inexpressible.
On Finding Peace (It’s Not Your Fault)
It's not your fault That he left you It's not your fault And there is nothing wrong with you He just did not know How to be What he needed to be For you And for himself It's not your fault It never was.
On Three Hundred Days
Ev’ry day these three
Hundred days, I write down words
To ward off the Dark.
On This Teahouse (Amiability)
I have come so far
And it is only forty years later
That I can now feel
The inexorable
inescapable pull of gravity
Anchoring me here
In amiable exile
I have everything I need
Except for the buried treasure
Of finally seeing myself
And loving myself
With fullest acceptance.