On The Sin of Pride

I keep a watchful eye now
For age-old sin of Pride
(We hardly use that word now
That word - Sin! - we deride
It’s very nature, quaint now
Yet one more Truth denied
And Virtue, set aside now
Lo, Freedom’s deified!)

Yes, Pride is all around now
Its seeds spread far and wide
It grows in every heart now
It blooms, and needs not hide
Pride grows with zest and verve now
Mulched with our deadened eyes
Black mirrors in our hands now
Pride’s gardens multiplied

Alas, this is the way now
Our lives suffused with Pride
The original Sin now
Prized, what was once decried
One wonders for how long now
We’ll let desires decide
Will we break free of Pride now
Or endlessly abide?

On The Arc of Time

In praise of Time, this thrumming beat
This silent rhythm of Life’s heat
Within the pauses of these lines
Time ladles out our lives divine

I celebrate the arc of Time
The metronome of God Sublime
With ev’ry second measured neat
We live in midst of Time’s swift fleet

As we survey the darkened glass
Of future hap’nings yet to pass
Time feels like treacly liquid’s flow
The pace of life feels leaden, slow

And yet in future when Time’s drum
Has faded past, How far we’ve come!
We would exclaim in disbelief
Time’s flown away like Fate’s sly thief

In such arch ways Time plays its ploys
As we endure our woes and joys
Though trapped we be in Time’s taut cage
Against light’s dying, burn and rage!

Tentang Ketemuan

Siapa sangka dari sejuta
Insan yang ada di bumi
Kita harus ketemu jua
Dua jiwa, hati terpatri.

Dari awal engkau ragui
Apa erti hidup bersama
Syak wasangka kita lunturi
Yakin hati berjalin cinta

Apa maksud hidup berliku
Sunyi jiwa terpadam kini
Shair hidup memuji kamu
Redup hati damai abadi. 

On Language

Our Language is our fam’ly tree 
The ties that build affinity
With words traversing waves of thought
The gap between us fades to naught

Out of the kiln, the words that build
Tribes, cities, armies, courts and guilds
Cementing ties of human hearts
Foundation for the sciences, arts

Thus Language forms the grounding strong
For human life, its wax and throng
To depths of seas and heights of space
Its thrumming drives the human race

Alas its boon hides darker tones
For language also marks the zones
Between a commonwealth of us
Against the others we distrust

Without a common lingual sphere
Communities cannot cohere
From babel curse of estranged tongues
Flows mistrust and committed wrongs

So you may think ‘tis insensate
For nations to compel, dictate
One Language to unite them all
Must we be caged in one tongue's thrall?

Such is the fate of nations blessed
With populace diverse, now pressed
Into each other's common fate
Be it with joy or teeth agrate

This babel curse need not be rued
Variety is a gift imbued
Unto those nations such as ours
Rejoicing in our hundred flowers

A common language bridges, brings
The people all together, wings
Of peace take flight in concert when
Our hearts unite in common ken

And that one speech need not efface
The shared melange of varied race
That makes up nations on this earth
Where each one owns their human worth

So let us celebrate, rejoice
Humanity in one shared voice
With pride our anthem loudly sung
In warp and weft of one shared tongue.

On Waking Up

Some fine morning 
You will wake up
Like from a dream
And realise that
All the trappings of your life
   That nice condo
   The fast cars
   The fancy things
Never really mattered
And what you thought was important
   That big job
   That bold business card
   The numbers you had to hit
They were mere details
Necessary perhaps, at some point
But never truly sufficient
And what really mattered was
   How you were loved
   How you loved in return
   The blessings you had
   And how you showed gratitude for those blessings
I pray we wake up soon
I pray for me, and for you.