These vines of doubt entangle me
Ensnare me in this darkened cage
Each line confounds, embitters me
And shrouds me in benighted rage
In white dreams I imagine me
A shining knight of sky and earth
But light of day proves: oh, poor me!
I’m but a speck, a pebble’s worth!
And so these lines, in spite of me
Come sputtering in halting train
These verses dark accuseth me
I crumble ‘neath my dreams, all vain.
On Being Indoors While the Sun is Out
The Sun is out, but
I am here, hunched over these
Trivial little things.
On a Prayer for Serenity
God save us from our own stupidity
Our wanton wrath and monstrous selfishness
Protect us from our own cupidity
And grant us calm serene from all duress.
Tentang Penjelasan
Aku enggan meminta-minta
Dan tiadalah engkau pun pula
Jenis insan gemar berpura
Tutur bingkas tiada bergula
Aku ingin berterus terang
Tanpa perlu gendang genderang
Ini aku: bertopeng tiada
Ambil aku, ambil segala.
On the Art of Poetry
Now I know how hard
‘Tis to string words into verse:
An art fit for kings!
On This Resolution
This New Year
I have made
This resolve:
To pare down
This one life
To slough off
Vain desires
Like snakeskin
An offering
For Your blessing.
On the Golden Orange Tiramisu
A tang of orange
Over dollops of thick cream
And coffee: festive!
Tentang Pembaziran Masa
Habis madu sepah dibuang
Kerna kumbang bunga terkeji
Habis masa bazir melayang
Demi wayang masyuk sendiri.
On Pageantry
A hundred people
Locked up in this hall all day
Empty pageantry.
Tentang Dua Puluh Dua Puluh Empat
Temasya dibuat setahun sekali Kita raikan guliran hari Tanpa tercelik detikan hati Bahwa masa terus berlari Deras, deras berlari Dua puluh dua puluh empat Apa erti umur melewat? Mana saudara dan rakan rapat Nyawa hilang jejas terlumat Dalam tanah tersemat Temasya tersulam benang kelam Jarum masa makin membenam Dengan tiap silihan malam Jarum menghunus segala dendam Kau dan aku, terkaram. Terilham oleh Pasir Roboh dendangan S M Salim