Makin hampir garis penamat Makin debar mengejar cita Jangan gentar memburu hajat Ada sinar menanti kita!
Tentang Keperitan Rindu
Sayap malam terpatah sepi
Layu hiba di kaki langit
Rindu dendam berkobar lagi
Marak nyala menghukum perit.
On Pencilled Flight
In grid-lined pages
Thoughts and dreams take pencilled flight
Like wild geese they fly.
On The Midday Heat
Scorching midday heat
Melts me down to a puddle
Of hot resentment.
On Thou
I was searching for Wonder
And Adventure
I sought Greatness in my Work
And in the adoration of Others
And when Work defeated me
I sought Healing in Others
And in Books, and in Words
It took these words to remind me
That the Greatness and the Healing
I was seeking
Was always here all along
In Thou, closer to me than my jugular vein
In Thou, the Lord of all the Worlds.
On Those Global Halal Biscuits
Why aren't we capturing this massive global halal market? Because for all of your arrogant bluster it is easier to eat a biscuit than to make one.
Tentang Kepasrahan Menanggung Ujian
Walau dicincang tiadakan putus Arusan air tetap mengalir Usah ditentang galuran arus Aturan hayat lazimnya getir Walaupun banjir melanda lembah Tiada tertunduk jiwa manusia Segala uji digalas tabah Pasrah terima tanpa kecewa.
Tentang Sujud dan Doa
Pada Mu, Tuhan
Aku sujud berdoa
Memohon ampun.
On These Slim Volumes
Within these slim volumes Entire worlds beckon Swim through the eddies of the brightest minds of this evanescent civilisation Skim through these words Read them with deep introspection They glimmer with Wisdom's lustrous glow.
On This Ball of Fur
You were all curled up A ball of fur, purring low Soft amidst pillows.