Dear friend,
You asked me about Regrets:
All I can say is that my own Youth,
Like that of many others, has had its trials.
I've wrestled with the shifting sands of my own flailing Truths;
The shifting quicksands of my own lies and denials.
In this time, my years of unrelenting middle age,
I look at my youth with no small amount of wonder;
My younger self was no daredevil, nor sage;
And now my life's laid bare to Time's plunder.
And yet, what's done is done - I'll own it all,
We are all servants in His majestic thrall.
#651 On This Turneresque Shroud
Like a Turneresque canvas
Rain shrouds my windows
The growl of thunder deafens.
#650 Tentang Harapan Yang Tersungkur
Sama muka samalah padan
Kini bangsa terpalit bebal
Serpih kaca disangka intan
Berat padah menanggung sesal
Sama luka samalah sayat
Kini hampa sarat membeban
Apa nasib rakyat melarat
Sungkur hasrat padam harapan.
#649 Tentang Zawiyah
Di antara baris-baris yang mengalunkan
Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Aku merasakan mata makin terberat
Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Dan aku makin tergelincir antara
Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Sedar dan lena, detak bergema
Ya Haqq Ya Haqq Ya Haqq
Melantun dalam kamar jiwa yang
Ya Hayy Ya Hayy Ya Hayy
Mendakap pelita yang bersinar diam
Ya Qayyum Ya Qayyum Ya Qayyum
Seolah meneguk minyak yang diberkati
Ya Huu Ya Huu Ya Huu
Yang hampir saja menerangi
Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Walau tiada tersentuh api
Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Ambillah aku seluruh aku
Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Tiada ragu tiada semu tiada jemu
Ya Allah
Ya Allah
Ya Allah.
#648 On Life’s Beginnings and Endings
Begin with this:
Your sole purpose of existence is
To serve Him, the one Lord of creation
The Master of worldly joys and heavenly bliss
In this life and in the next incarnation
For Life is just this:
To seek the pleasure of the one true Lord
To treat man and beast with utmost grace
To strive for His cause with pen and sword
To turn to Him for Mercy’s embrace
And to end with this:
May He bestow eternal favour
Upon you for your deeds assayed
And to walk the Path with not a waver
And arrive in Gardens of blessed shade.
#647 Tentang Putera Lev Nikolayevich Myshkin
Dalam dunia berkiblat nafsu
Hawa lucah jadi mainan
Insan zuhud dilihat lucu
Lanun khianat dipertuankan
Apa nasib jiwa tersengat
Tiada tahu betul dan salah
Apa nasib bangsa tersesat
Jerat zaman meragut parah.