#516 Tentang Hambatan Usia

Apa guna mengejar pangkat 
Kalau usia semakin singkat
Apa makna mengejar kuasa
Kalau sedar kerdil manusia
Lantas insaf menatap kiblat
Surut usia tetap menghambat.

#510 On Newton’s Third Law of Hate

For every emotion,
There is an equal and opposite emotion:
This is in the iron law
That governs human interaction

For every angry activist
Every upset demonstrator
Every militant agitator
There is one on the other side of the divide

For every denouncer of evils
Spewing hate and judgment
Against anyone seen as "different"
Hate against infidels
Hate against deviants
Hate against vagrants
Hate against immigrants
There is one on the other side of the divide
Who is (secretly) different
Often they are one and the same person

For every hate
There is an equal and opposite shame
Hiding beyond a tattered mask
Of anger and redirected blame.