Away from the void
March to the drumbeat of your
Will to be alive.
#436 Tentang Langau Yang Mau Bebas
Demi kuasa, kau tepiskan malu
Demi harta, berjuta kau sapu
Walau jatuh ke tanah, masih kau
Cuba melompat, cuba melangkau
Tiada insaf walaupun tertumpas
Masih melangau, menuntut bebas.
#435 On Remembering Young Love
Eighteenth of April,
Twenty years ago: our hearts
Afire with young love!
#434 On My List of 100 Things to be Grateful For in My Life
A hundred ways I'm grateful for this Life
A hundred times I'm blessed by God above
Within the daily din of baying strife
I've armed my soul with Kindness and with Love
With pen and paper, in my solitude
I count my blessings with deep gratitude.
#433 On Echoes of Friendships Past
Our friendships echo loud through muddled Time
And even in the darkest night, alone
The memories come alive in gentle rhyme
For all our sins, these warm ties do atone
And even though our lives now barely meet
I treasure this: no lies, no bald conceit.
#432 On Friends and Turkish Tea
After all that has been said and done
I am glad that we are still friends
Even if we only see each other
Once every few months, these days
The Turkish tea reminds us
That friendships can transcend time
And place.
#431 Tentang Malam Lara
Malam yang gelap
Mengandung duka lara
Yang tak terungkap.
#430 Tentang Penulisan Tesis
Tarian jari pada kekunci
Merangkai aksara dan wacana
Prosa tulus tanpa tekateki
Merungkai makna masa dan siapa
Menyingkap epistemi sang haiwan
Sehingga terbongkar akar makna:
Bahwa tiap makhluk dijadikan
Penuh warna panca kejadian.
#429 Tentang Sang Pekerja Asing di Klinik Kucing
Dua tangannya berurat kuat
Merangkul erat sang kucing manja
Senyum redup pada wajah kesat
Menguntum rahman pada binarnya
Mata yang sering lama terkusam
Dulu pudar, kini bercahaya
Pada hidup yang lama terkelam
Kini sinar tenang gah tersulam.
#428 On Visa
Drop by golden drop
Clotted into these deltas:
A fertile garden.