Tentang Merenung Masa Sambil Makan Kari Kepala Ikan Jenahak

Sambil makan kari jenahak
Sembang tentang gerakan dakwah
Lalu aku menung sejenak
Kenang zaman yang telah sudah

Waktu muda mata berbinar
Zaman penuh idealisma
Hati marak jiwa berdegar
Mahu ubah aturan dunia

Derap masa berlalu pantas
Tali hayat semakin tipis
Tiap saat seakan emas
Berat nilai seolah pitis

Generasi warisi zaman
Pentas juang bertukar peran
Anak muda teruskan lawan
Obor watan kami turunkan

Tiap zaman bersilih ganti
Tiada dapat disekat tahan
Roda masa tiada henti
Hingga saat yang pengakhiran.

On Wondering Where All the Years Went

I saw you onstage yesterday
Giving a speech to the assembled gathering
And it struck me
That it has been fifteen years
Since it was me on that stage
Playing the groom
Smiling at the crowd
And I remembered thinking, in that moment
Where did the years go?

How come I’m here now
Sitting in the crowd
With a head fuller with white hair
Whatever happened to all those dreams?

On The Self-Doubt of an Unpracticed Poet

These vines of doubt entangle me
Ensnare me in this darkened cage
Each line confounds, embitters me
And shrouds me in benighted rage

In white dreams I imagine me
A shining knight of sky and earth
But light of day proves: oh, poor me!
I’m but a speck, a pebble’s worth!

And so these lines, in spite of me
Come sputtering in halting train
These verses dark accuseth me
I crumble ‘neath my dreams, all vain.

On a Prayer for Serenity

God save us from our own stupidity
Our wanton wrath and monstrous selfishness
Protect us from our own cupidity
And grant us calm serene from all duress.

Tentang Penjelasan

Aku enggan meminta-minta
Dan tiadalah engkau pun pula
Jenis insan gemar berpura
Tutur bingkas tiada bergula

Aku ingin berterus terang
Tanpa perlu gendang genderang
Ini aku: bertopeng tiada
Ambil aku, ambil segala.