Today’s Reads II

  1. Paul Krugman: “There are always a number of people out there who just can’t accept the idea of fiat money as a technocratic tool of economic management.” #tweet #money #economics
  2. Why regulations are ‘sticky’ and hard to unwind: “Firms typically resist new regulation attempts in order to avoid the corresponding compliance costs. However, once regulations are implemented, compliance costs are often sunk and cannot be recouped. Therefore, existing firms will often resist efforts to remove the very rules they initially fought against, since these regulations become barriers that stand between them and potential competitors who haven’t yet paid the compliance costs. These dynamics all but ensure that there is no influential constituency to support removing regulations once they are enacted.” #regulations #reform #economics #publicinterest
  3. David Rubenstein’s 10 rules for investing in #privateequity funds: “Look at the organisation’s ability to keep people. If… people are always leaving an organisation that is an important indicator.”

Today’s Reads I

  1. “Herschel Walker, the Republican Senate nominee in Georgia who has been a vocal critic of absentee fathers in Black households, acknowledged Tuesday that he has a second son with whom he has little interaction.” #politicians #hypocrisy
  2. “This is not about grammar or spelling errors, but disrespect for the national language. The proposed fine is not to punish but to evoke love and patriotism to the country.” #totalitarianlogic
  3. Marc Andreessen on loving the humanities: “I spent the first 25 years of my life trying to understand how machines work,” Marc says. “Then I spent the second 25 years, so far, trying to figure out how people work. It turns out people are a lot more complicated.”